
Are you looking to join one of our groups? At the Nagambie Lakes Community House, we have something for everyone! Click on the group image for more information

To view the group’s timetable, please check out our Calendar!

AA Are you looking to join one of our groups? At the Nagambie Lakes Community House, we have something for everyone!
Art group Are you looking to join one of our groups? At the Nagambie Lakes Community House, we have something for everyone!
Art Group
breast cancer support
Breast Cancer Support
chatty cafe Are you looking to join one of our groups? At the Nagambie Lakes Community House, we have something for everyone!
Chatty Cafe
computer support
Computer Support
craft group Are you looking to join one of our groups? At the Nagambie Lakes Community House, we have something for everyone!
Craft Group

Tues Evening Craft
Garden Group
Go Men
Lakeside Larks
Patchwork & Quilting
scrabble group Are you looking to join one of our groups? At the Nagambie Lakes Community House, we have something for everyone!
shared table
Shared Table
tow and yarn
Tow n Yarn
ukelele Are you looking to join one of our groups? At the Nagambie Lakes Community House, we have something for everyone!
wlking group
Walking Group
welcome group
Welcome Group
writing group Are you looking to join one of our groups? At the Nagambie Lakes Community House, we have something for everyone!
Writing Group